Since my twenty six hour trip to get here, everything else has been absolutely marvelous!!! I cannot express how happy I am to be here, back in Donosita, and to be learning something new each and everyday. I feel like I have become acclimated to the time change very easily. In fact, on Thursday, and Friday night both, I went to the Parte Vieja to take in the night life, and enjoy Jazzaldia 2011, the annual international jazz festival that takes place in Gros, on Zurriola Beach, where they have five stages set up. I have also started each morning running to the Peines de Viento sculpture at one end of the beach, and along the beach (on the path) to the Parte Vieja. Yesterday, I ran around Monte Urguall, and today around the river, to the third bridge, and then by a couple of my friends´ old homes, by my own old apartment on Calle Fuenterrabia, and of course, by the Buen Pastor Cathedral. It is absolutely soothing to be able to walk/jog wherever I need to go. Also, I have probably trekked ten miles in the last two days and half, so not to mention, great exercise as well J.
In addition, today was a very memorable day because the whole family had the day off, so it was the traditional Saturday lunch. We ate at about two, and the de la Fuentes eat outside on their patio when the whether is nice, which it was again today. We had a first course consisting of pintxo con txaka (slice of bread with a crab/mayonaise type spread…typical Basque and DELICIOUS) and sliced tomatoes with ham. Then, we had a homemade soup consisting of pureed carrots, scallions, and squash, before the main dish of pork loin with garlic. Dessert (ice cream cake) and coffee rounded out the meal, as did about a half hour conversation with Xabier and Ana. After lunch, we all attemped to work a little bit, and Xabier brough home some materials for me from his work at the TV station that will help me with my project. However, I think all three of us ended up taking a mini siesta instead of truly getting to work….
For good reason we all took a siesta, because in the afternoon after dropping Helene off at a birthday party, we went to Zarautz. Zarautz is a town 15 minutes from Donsotia along the coast that I had visited only once (and when the weather was HORRIBLE!), where we met up with one of Ana´s college friends, Marijo, and her husband Jesus, who are both also Basque. They took us to the quaint town of Getaria, which is connected to Zarautz by a walking path, although we chose to drive to the town of 3,000 inhabitants. When we arrived, we caught the end of a game of Jai-alai on the frontón (court) on the main street. We also visited the only Gothic Cathedral in the Basque Country, and took some pictures before Xabier and Jesús left to pick up Helene from her birthday party. Marijo had no problem playing tour guide, which was just fine with the rest of us. This meant that ¨the girls¨, Marijo, Ana, and I were left to waste some time…aka..pintxo hop, and listen to the jazz music in la Plaza de Musika in Zarautz. We had the typical Zarautz pintxo (sourdough bread, green pepper, jam, and tortilla de patata), and one with artichoke heart, pepper, and jam. These were of course accompanied by several ¨zuritos¨, or half glass samples of cerveza. This all before dinner………..and at about four different bars. From there we headed to a restaurant on the beach where we ordered a three course meal. As a starter, I had grilled vegetables, second plate Rape, a white fish, and for dessert, a typical Basque dessert that was toasted almonds on the outside with a yogurtish filling….incredible. To round out the meal, white wine, excellent conversation, and then two more stops for zuritos before a stroll along the beach to the car. I must say that I am continually impressed with the hospitatily of the Basque people, as they are always willing and open to sharing their Basque culture!!!
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